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Meet Sarah

The Facts: Sarah teaches Cycling classes here at H2L Studio. She’s certified in Schwinn Indoor Cycling, TRX Suspension Training and has an ACE Group Fitness Certification, as well as an ISSA Personal Training Certification.

Her History: Sarah has been passionate about running for most of her life. Track&Field, Cross Country, 5Ks, half marathon training, you name it – she’s done it, or at least tried it. After experiencing her first couple of cycle classes a new passion was formed, and the links between cycling and running inspired her to become a certified instructor. Outside of teaching cycling classes, Sarah loves to do DIY projects, outdoor activities, and is a stay-at-home mother of her two children – Owen and Thea.

What to Expect: During Sarah’s classes, you can look forward to jamming out to the latest hits, yesterday’s classics, and remixes in between. Expect a relaxed yet challenging atmosphere, as she encourages you to dig deep and rise to your next level of fitness!

Favorite Quote: “Do or do not, there is no try” – Yoda

Guilty Pleasure: Brownies – no doubt

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Meet Lauren

The Facts: Lauren holds her personal training and group fitness instructor certifications through AAAI/ISMA.  She is also a certified Sports Nutrition Consultant, is TRX certified, and teaches cycling classes.

Her History: Lauren began her fitness career over a decade ago when she began teaching cycling and group fitness classes at her gym.  She fell in love with inspiring others and the aspect of coaching individuals to see their greatest potential.  After years of teaching, Lauren eventually found herself working with the personal trainers in the gym and suddenly realized a strong passion for strength training and human physiology.  Lauren spent time shadowing and learning from trainers before eventually embarking on her own personal training career.  Now, she spends most of her time in the weight room where she is either lifting herself, or teaching others the power of strength training.

What to Expect: Every individual can be quite unique and the functions and state of their body differ drastically from the next person. She is absolutely trying to find the best training method to meet the individual and their goal.  Training is a personal experience and your coach should be working exclusively on a plan that meets your physical abilities and personal goals in a realistic and sustainable approach. That is the exact method she takes with every single client she works with.

Favorite Quote: “For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”

Guilty Pleasure: Wine and Reality TV.



Allison Govern

The Facts: Allison is a NASM-certified personal trainer and ACE-certified group fitness instructor. She is also certified in Schwinn cycling, TRX, kettlebells, and Animal Flow.

History: After many years chasing running goals and completing half/full marathons, Allison learned the hard way about the importance of strength training and mobility work as strategies for injury prevention. She started at H2L as one of Courtney’s early barre clients, eventually becoming a cycle instructor, group fitness instructor, and personal trainer. She loves working with skill-based modalities such as kettlebells, the steel mace, and Animal Flow!

What to Expect: Allison works closely with her clients to understand their individual goals – whether that’s hitting a PR in the squat rack, training to be a better triathlete, or picking up bags of groceries well. Her mission is to help clients learn valuable tips about moving correctly that can be applied for years to come and find a balanced routine that doesn’t lead to overuse injuries. No matter what your goals or stage of life, you’ll safely integrate mobility, balance, strength, and cardio to get you where you want to be!

Favorite Quote: “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” Steve Prefontaine

Guilty Pleasure: Listening to entirely too much Taylor Swift!