Indoor Cycling – What’s the Deal?

There are all kinds of new workout classes that can catch your eye these days. Indoor cycling has become one of the most popular new workout classes. With the bright lights, motivating music, and an instructor pushing you further than you ever thought you could go, indoor cycling has become very appealing to those who may not want to ride outdoors. Indoor cycling may not just be a lot of fun but it is also very beneficial for your health. First, indoor cycling provides your body an aerobic activity that lasts anywhere from 30-45mins.

Aerobic activities are ones that will help keep your heart rate up thus helping lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and your resting heart rate. Secondly, this type of workout may help reduce your stress levels. The rush of indoor cycling helps release happy-mood inducing neurotransmitters known as endorphins.


These endorphins cause a feeling of euphoria in turn lowering your stress levels and increasing your bodies immune response. Third, Indoor cycling is very beneficial for increasing muscular endurance.

Muscular endurance refers to the muscles ability to repeatedly exert force over an extended period of time. Increasing your muscular endurance can lead to longer stronger workouts with will benefit you by allowing you to perform daily activities with greater ease. Fourth, the amount of calories you will burn in an indoor cycling class is anywhere from 400-600 calories per 45-minute class. It takes 3,500 calories to burn off one pound of fat.

So, with just 5-8 indoor cycling classes along with a healthy diet, you can begin to see your body fat diminish.

Fifth and finally, indoor cycling is surprisingly low impact. This can be beneficial for those who are recovering from orthopedic injuries. This can help the recovery stage move quicker and can be more fun as well. Indoor cycling has so many benefits for the body, these are just a few.

Along with being fun and exciting, indoor cycling is the total package for anyone looking to spice up their workout routine. Not convinced indoor cycling is for you? Check out the H2L Cycling schedule and sign up! Get there a little early so your instructor can show you the ropes before you dive into a fun and beneficial workout!