How Yoga Impacts Us Here at H2L

By now we have all heard the benefits of a regular yoga practice. Yoga provides a total mind-body workout that combines strengthening, stretching with deep breathing, meditation and relaxation. Of course this sounds great (most workouts do on paper) but I was curious, as a yoga instructor,  Why do our clients, here at H2L , keep coming back to the mat… so I asked them… here are some of their reasons…


“Practicing yoga provides a disciplined scheduled time that is guilt free for me to completely let go of all the crazy in my life. It helps remind me the power of positive thinking is spiritually as well as physically healthy to practice.”


“As a stay at home mom, it’s so easy for me to become wrapped up in my daily routine of caring for my children and spouse, that I often neglect myself. Yoga has become such a blessing to me. It allows me to have time to myself, time to focus on how I’m feeling on the inside and how I feel physically.”


“I’m able to release stress.”


yoga mechanicsburg


“I keep coming back to the mat, because it wasn’t until I hurt my back and started my rehabilitation process through yoga, that I realized the substantial gap in my workout regiment.”


“I keep coming back to the mat because I continue to build strength both physically and mentally, in ways I didn’t realize I was deficient.”


“… having a kickass yoga instructor is incredibly important to enjoying it too !!”


benefits of yoga

“I feel closer to my spouse, children and Father God.”


“There are so many reasons I come back to the mat. The biggest is probably that I feel that it makes me more grounded. I can get on my mat and block out all the craziness of work and life. It’s just me and my mat. It’s peaceful and quiet, which I need. It makes me a better wife, mother, employee and person.”


“I love my yoga ladies!”


“Yoga teaches you how to breathe under mind-numbing, static holds. Yoga improves your strength and mobility, which in turn helps you lift heavier and sprint faster. Yoga pushes you to dig deeper mentally, beyond the pain in that moment. Yoga gives back to your body AND mind.”


yoga mechanicsburg


So as I’ve experienced in my own “yoga journey” the benefits of yoga go far beyond our time spent in the studio. Yoga is a tool, a mind set, a vessel, a great workout, a time to heal, meditation, stretching,  tough, relaxing, fun, strength building, part of a much bigger picture, and so much more.


I’m simply thrilled that I get to (in some small way) pass the gift of yoga onto the clients here at H2L Studio!


Join us… come to the mat… and keep coming back!


You can join Monica for Energy Yoga M & W at 6am and for Vinyasa 7:15pm on Tuesdays!