The safety of our clients is the most important to us! So we are canceling tomorrow’s 8am Barre Class. There’s a silver lining though, you can do moves at home! Get up and get moving in the comfort of your own house with these quick exercises. The best part? You can do when DURING your Netflix binge.

Plie – 
cardio barre
Stand with your heels under your hips or slightly wider and your toes pointed out wide. Keep your tail bone tucked under so your back stays flat. Always, always engage your core! Pull that belly button towards the wall behind you. Lower your hips towards the floor and lift them back up. Do 20 and for an added challenge hold it at the bottom!

Feel free to add some pulses or add arms for more great benefits. 

barre mechanicsburg
Start with your right foot in front of your left. Upper body stays straight, shoulders pulling down and back. Make sure your core stays engaged! Lower your hips until both knees bend at about 90 degrees. Keep the front knee right above your ankle. Lift those hips back up and repeat 20 times. Then, switch so your left foot is in front and repeat.

Challenge yourself and add a towel to your back foot to pick up the pace. Find some weights or something heavy to hold them to make it a little harder.

Heel Lifts:
Start by standing nice and tall, feet facing forward hips distance a part. Belly button pulling back towards your spin. Nice and slowly lift your heels up off the floor and gently back down.
Do 20 reps .. challenge yourself, see if you can stand tall with your heels lifted for 3o seconds.

Also, remember that shoveling is a great workout! Just be  careful of the way you move, lifting form the legs and not the back! Think about keeping your tailbone tucked under and your back night and straight (wait, are you sure we aren’t in class?!).

Have a warm and safe weekend. Can’t wait to hear all of your snowy weekend stories on Monday. Sign up for those classes now before they fill!
