The Holidays can be hectic to say the least. As you awe inspiring instructors at H2L Studio we challenge you to succeed past the hustle and bustle of the Holidays and keep your fitness goal in close range. You have been challenged to complete the “Series of 5” everyday for the month of December!!!

Did you know the pilates “Ab series” or “Series of 5” only takes 2 minutes or less. It can be done anywhere! It focuses on the core, but adds arms and leg movements, which makes it more challenging to hold your position. The trick is to move through each exercise with flow and without taking breaks between each. It’s very rewarding! We enjoy the “Ab series” every morning…roll out of bed and onto the floor. It’s even dog approved!

Below is your personalized workout on the go!!!

Single Leg Stretch



  • Start by hugging your knees into your chest, curl your head and shoulders off the mat, take both hands on top of your right knee as you extend your left leg to 45 degrees. Then switch legs! Maintain your imprint! (Low back into the mat while deepening your abdomen) Repeat for a total of 5 sets!



Double Leg Stretch



  • Again start by hugging your knees into your chest, curl your head and shoulders away from the mat, both leg straighten to 45 degrees while your arms reach over head, then circle yours arms and hug your knees back into center! Repeat 5 times! As always keep your belly button to your spine!





  • Straighten both legs to the ceiling, curl the head and shoulders off the mat, both hands grab the right ankle, while the left leg reaches 6” above the floor, then deepen your abdomen and switch legs! Repeat for a total of 5 sets! Wath you belly and keep deepening it to the floor!

Lower Lift



  • Straighten both legs to the ceiling, place your hands behind your head and curl the head and shoulders off the mat. Lower the legs 45 degrees, hold for a 1 second and slowly returns legs back to 90 degrees! Repeat 5 times! Inhale as the legs go out and exhale as the legs come back to you, breathe!



Criss Cross


  • Hug your knees into your chest, place your hands behind your head and curl the head and shoulders away from the mat. Keeping the right knee into your chest extend your left leg to 45 degrees, twist your upper body to the right! Trying to reach your left armpit for your right knee! Switch the legs and twist to the left! Repeat for a total of 5 sets!!!!


For an extra challenge repeat 2 more times!!!


You are now an “Ab series” professional! You can add this series to your daily workout routine, it challenges your core and develops not only your abdomin but also your back muscles that are the foundation of a healthy spine. Learn more about Pilates in our other blog posts. Join any of our reformer, barre or mat classes to get a taste of the above!!!


We would love to see proof and progress…take a snapshot of your “Series of 5” and tags us! Use the hashtag #DecemberSeriesof5.

The H2L Santa will reward those who are successful!

Photo credits: Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Leta Shy